Rp 2.000.000

Course type: Workshop

Pelatihan hanya dapat diikuti secara OFFLINE.

Durasi workshop: Satu (1) hari. Mulai jam 09:00 pagi s.d. selesai.

Detail pelatihan:

  • Understanding the basic use and the basic science behind these functional tools.
  • Applying foundational movement-based training using functional tools.
  • Understanding the principles of regression and progression for each movement.
  • How to create a safe and effective program design using these functional tools.
  • Experience the workout and allows you to train your body to be fully safe and functional.

Peralatan yang akan dipelajari:
Dumbbell, Medball, Swiss ball, Power Bag, Suspension strap, Plyobox, Battle ropes, Kettlebell, etc.

Media Belajar: Modul akan diberikan kepada peserta saat menghadiri workshop.

Syarat peserta: Lulus SMU atau sederajat.

Catatan penting: Workshop tidak ada ujian. Sertifikat yang diperoleh adalah sertifikat kehadiran.
